Theatre expert and author Tony Jackson (1999) defines TIE succinctly as “a coordinated and carefully structured pattern of activities , usually devised and researched by the company, around a topic of relevance both to the school curriculum and to the children’s own lives, presented in school by the company and involving the children directly in an experience of the situations and problems that the topic throws up”
TIE is an educational and participatory program, which is highly tailor made in accordance to the demographic nature of targeted group. TIE is suitable for a large audience size and advocacy in purpose. It is not only a one-off performance. It usually includes pre- and post-performance workshops:
- Pre-performance Workshop
Providing background information, and can be in a form of drama activities, web surfing, internet games, exhibition or guided tour. - Performance
A drama performance that engages students through dynamic interactive and dramatic elements, and draw students’ attention on the educational focus. - Post-performance Workshop
Extended activity after the performance, trying to summarize students’ learning, facilitate their reflection on the topic, and promote them to carry out relevant actions. Again, it can be in a form of classroom activities or tasks on the internet, etc.
We have designed and facilitated TIEs for organizations including Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Ping Wo Fund, Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, WWF-HK, Oxfam-HK (learn more…), UNICEF HK Committee, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, etc, and have been conducting the TIE school touring of over 5oo sessions.
As we adopt a client-centered approach, we offer tailor-made programs to suit the need of schools. Please contact us for further details.
一個完整的教育劇場與一般的戲劇演出是有分別的,教育劇場是一系列專為一群特定的教學對象教授一個特定的教學題材而設的戲劇教育活動,「教育劇場不單是做一個演出,而是借用戲劇作為媒介為教育所用」(John Somers 2002)。
- 前置活動
主要為背景資料的教授,可透過小組或課堂戲劇活動、網頁或網上遊戲、展覽及導覽等。 - 戲劇表演
創作團隊以戲劇的形式,運用戲劇多元化及生動的特質,配合舞台元素,令學生在投入及互動的過程中吸收所推廣的教育訊息。 - 後置活動
我們曾為多間機構策劃、籌備及演出教育劇場,包括包括康樂及文化事務署、平和基金、政制及內地事務局、香港中文大學賽馬會氣候變化博物館、世界自然基金會香港分會、香港樂施會 (了解更多…)、聯合國兒童基金會香港分會、香港青年協會等,演出超過500場,具豐富的學校巡迴經驗,了解如何運用戲劇多元化及生動的手法,令學生參與投入劇中,並領略及思考當中的教育訊息。