Merit Minds Workshop was established as a registered society in August 2012 by three graduates from the Master of Applied Theatre and Drama Education program. We aim to promote and advocate drama education and applied theatre in Hong Kong. We believe that drama is a means to reach people’s hearts and minds. By appreciating and engaging in arts, participants develop an enhanced understanding of themselves as members of cultures and societies with pasts, presents and futures.
Since established in August 2012, we have achieved in organising nearly 40 drama education initiatives in primary and secondary schools, student groups with special needs, and with teachers and social workers for professional development. We have also produced and delivered nearly 500 sessions of Theatre-in-Education programmes for LCSD, Ping Wo Fund, CMAB, Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, WWF-HK, UNICEF-HK, Oxfam-HK, etc.
自2012年8月成立至今,我們為100多間中小學提供戲劇教育課程,包括以戲劇教育手法引入課程、戲劇課堂、教師培訓等項目。我們亦為本港多間機構策劃、籌備及演出教育劇場,包括康樂及文化事務署、平和基金、政制及內地事務、香港中文大學賽馬會氣候變化博物館(Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change)、世界自然基金會香港分會(WWF-HKG)、香港樂施會(Oxfam-HKG)、聯合國兒童基金會香港分會(UNICEF-HKG)、香港青年協會等(HKFYG),演出超過500場,具豐富的學校巡迴經驗。
另外,我們亦重視以戲劇回應社會,自2014年起開展社區藝術項目,為多個社區及政府機構創作應用戲劇項目,將戲劇藝術帶入社區:《多元民俗文化演出》(油尖旺區議會,2014)、《東區POP得起》立體書X講故劇場(東區區議會,2016)、《東區POP得起2》立體書X講故劇場(東區區議會,2017)、《阿群帶路遊下環》立體書X講故劇場(灣仔區區議會,2018)、《同・不同》論壇劇場(政制及內地事務局,2017)、《同・不同》2 論壇劇場(政制及內地事務局,2018)、《有計傾有真相》真人圖書館(平等機會委員會,2017)、《呢班Bees!》奇幻桌偶兒童劇場(康樂及文化事務署,2018)、《去吧!登月幻想號!》(康樂及文化事務署,2019),於2019年更為西九文化區管理局與東區區議會策劃跨界實驗空間計劃《藝遊東西岸@西九》(西九文化區管理局,2019)。